Dream Runners


This dream seems strange, almost too real.

And yet, the four-winged owl you see so clearly cannot possibly exist.

What are you doing on this unfamiliar island?

Other people have ended up here as well… and they look as disconcerted as you feel.

You need to get out of here. Assemble your segments quickly and cleverly to create a composition that best matches the dream tile in the middle of the table. Collect as many star fragments as possible, banish nightmares, and above all don’t waste any time!

The player who has the most dream points after 8 rounds wins.

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In Dream Runners, players are presented with a common dream tile each turn. Using their individual segmented tiles, they’ll have to create a pattern where action symbols match the position of trials of the dream: banishing the nightmares away, collecting coins to purchase new segments, keys to open chests and star fragments to earn more victory points. In return, every trial that is not covered with a symbol will diminish your serenity, decreasing your final score.

But as soon as one player completes their pattern, the hourglass is turned upside-down and all other players must finish their own patterns before time runs out! And suddenly, the quiet study of the dream becomes a frantic race to assemble segments…

After eight rounds, the player with the most victory points wins.